Data East Wiki

Fighter's History (ファイターズヒストリー) is a 2D fighting game released by Data East. It was first released in arcades in 1993 and a home port followed for the Super NES in 1994. Fighter's History was best known for being responsible for its place in a lawsuit between Capcom and Data East, over what Capcom felt were infringements on their Street Fighter II property. Capcom lost the case on grounds that the copied elements were standard for the genre and thus excluded from copyright.


"I have heard rumors about you.
You seem to believe yourself as the strongest, but there are many stronger fighters out there in the world. If you think I'm lying, then you should participate in the "Great Grapple Tournament" that I'm hosting. If you can win, I'll give you enough treasure that you can't possibly use up during your lifetime. But if the rumors are false, only shame awaits you.
If you are ready for that, you should go. The time and place will be given later.
We look forward to your participation."


Nine martial artists have replied to this invitation! Some to support their families, others to face the truly strong... Their thoughts are intertwined, and a hot battle is about to begin.


Much like Street Fighter II, this game utilizes a six-button control scheme, with three strengths of punches and kicks. It follows the traditional best-of-three format as most fighting games, with the first player to win two rounds winning the match. Unique to Fighter's History is the presence of weak points: each fighter has a specific piece of clothing which acts as that fighter's weak point that, when hit, starts flashing. If the weak point is hit three times during a round it falls off from the fighter, while the fighter gets dizzied. Though characters can only be dizzied once every round hitting the spot where the weak point was will cause extra damage.

Fighter's History features a total of nine selectable characters, along with two CPU-only boss characters. Though they are unselectable in the original arcade version they can be enabled through a code in the SNES port of the game.


Regular characters Boss characters
RayFHPortrait FeilinFHPortrait RyokoFHPortrait ClownFHPortrait
Ray McDougall Liu Feilin Ryoko Kano Clown
MatlokFHPortrait SamchayFHPortrait LeeFHPortrait
Matlok Jade Samchay Tomyamkun Lee Diendo Karnov
MizoguchiFHPortrait JeanFHPortrait MarstoriusFHPortrait
Makoto Mizoguchi Jean Pierre Marstorius

Character code[]

In SNES version of Fighter's History Clown and Karnov can be selected after inputting a code on title screen: → → ↑ ↑ L R


